filmmakers 2

Laurie Simons


Terry Sterrenberg

We are a married couple of mixed cultural heritage… I am Canadian, and Terry is American.  From 1982 to 1992, Terry joined me in Canada and during that time our two sons were born. We moved to the Seattle area in 1992, and experienced the culture shock of switching from the worry-free health care system in Canada, to the complicated, expensive, and anxiety provoking “system” in the United States.  In making this documentary, we learned that the story of the battle for national health care in both countries is an adventure story fraught with heroes and villains, and we learned how two neighboring countries ended up taking such different paths.


Many thanks to Lindsay Caron Epstein for contributing on-the-street interviews.

Lindsay Caron Epstein

You can see more of Lindsay’s interviews here:

The Canada Effect: Part One
The Canada Effect: Part Two

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